Thursday, March 31, 2011

These Things I Know

Sometimes life lessons come from unexpected sources. A lot of my so-called words of wisdom come from song lyrics. My favorite writers and artists are pretty smart.    :)

Sadly, things don't always go my way. I'd like to thank the Rolling Stones for reiterating that fact and at least making that sad news into a catchy tune. I admit it...sometimes I'm selfish, spoiled, and petty. However, the older I get, I understand that even when my wants are thrown in the garbage, I always have what I need. 

I don't know about everyone else, but I am not good with apologies. Accepting or giving. Accepting an apology is just an awkward situation. I'd prefer to push it off to the side and pretend it didn't happen (It's a lot easier on me that way). Giving an apology just requires me to let go of my pride. That's easier said than done, too. 

How many people float through life with no clue what is really going on? It's quite easy to go on living when you're trapped in a magical bubble that contains you, your family, and your near surroundings. Sometimes, though, we have to open our eyes to the things going on around us. Yes, it makes me sad to watch television ads about starving children in Africa. Yes, I'm filled with dread when I hear about the turmoil in the Middle East and Japan. But I cannot close my eyes to the things I find displeasing. 

It's no secret that life is short. Why waste time worrying about things that don't really matter?! Is that new pair of $2 flip flops worth it? Instead, could you donate $2 to feed the homeless? Do things that will make the world a better place...for you, for your family, for others. 

I may not be alive tomorrow. Morbid, but true. We cannot spend our lives waiting for all the things we think will make us happy. I am so guilty of this. I make plans, plans for tomorrow, next month, and next year. We have to find a little happiness in each moment. Make the best of each day; you may not have tomorrow either.

Check out Mama Kat for more knowledge!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Redeeming Love

Some of you may have noticed the new button I have. I follow a blog called Breaking Through, written by Lyryn. Like the hubs and myself, Lyryn and her husband have a huge desire to see marriages succeed. She and her family have had quite a journey. They have dealt with (and overcome!) one of the worst possible things to happen to a marriage: adultery.

Thanks to the amazing love and divine plan of God, Lyryn and her husband have survived the heartbreak and devastation of unfaithfulness. This is a great example of unconditional love being thrown in the face of the world! During the month of April, this family's story will be revealed, the harsh realities and the happy ending.

For my part, I'll be reading every post. I'm very excited to hear from someone who truly has a heart for marriage and all the struggles it brings. I'll also be sharing some insights into marriage from my own limited viewpoint. I hope you'll join Lyryn as she shares her trials and triumphs in this journey!

Friday, March 25, 2011

Photo Friday 2011- Week 12

We're already 12 weeks into 2011?! Are you kidding me?! This year is flying by!

This week's theme: Planning

I am a planner. I love to make lists; I love to know what I'll be doing two days from now. Instead of showing my meal planning for the week, I decided to show my planner. It's such a big part of my life. Sometimes I think I wouldn't know to take a shower if I lost my planner (okay,'s not quite that serious).

My planner is ALWAYS with's small enough to carry in any purse! I write down everything in my planner. From there, the lists go into my computer. Thanks to the goodness that is MobileMe, my computer is automatically synced to my other Apple products. So I'm never without a calendar or schedule. That makes me very happy.

Even with all of the super fun tech stuff, I prefer to write down all the things I need to do and all the places I need to go. I guess I'm an old-fashioned girl. 

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Little Bird

Happy little bird begins a hallowed journey;

Orange sunlight guides his open flight.

Passing stormy skies and perilous winds,

Eventually the little bird arrives.

Thanks to Mama Kat for this week's writing prompt!

Friday, March 18, 2011

Photo Friday 2011- Week 11

This week's theme: Spring

For Valentine's Day this year, the hubs bought me an orchid. Orchids are my favorite flower! It's done very well, which is surprising since I usually kill any plants I come in contact with. Since the beginning of spring, though, the flower has truly thrived. It's beautiful!

With the warmer weather, I've been able to spend more time outside, and it's incredible. This week, I took a book outside and sat under a tree for awhile.

I love me some springtime!

For more spring-y photos, visit Trina!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Daydream Believer

When I find myself with nothing to do (very rarely), procrastinating (quite often), or just lying in bed, I dream about a lot of different things. Places to go, things to do, people to see.

One dream just keeps coming back. It WILL NOT go away.

I want to vacation on Cape Cod.

I want to stay in a simple cottage.

 And whale watching...yes! Please?

There is a lot of history in Massachusetts; so many historical lighthouses and homes to see!

Did I mention the beach?

For more daydreams, visit Mama Kat!

Mama’s Losin’ It

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Wedding Wednesday

Laura over at Decor to Adore posts each Wednesday about the upcoming royal wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton. As a lover of history, England, and all things royal, it's one of my favorite new weekly reads. 

This week, she's sharing the history of royal wedding dresses. I may not officially be royalty, but I'm going to share my dress, too!

I think I skipped the something old...
Something new- my princess-y tiara
Something borrowed- The pearls are my mom's.
Something blue- I bought new underwear that said "Just Married."    ;)

 Thanks for indulging my wedding reminiscing! Check out Decor to Adore for more wedding goodness!

Bad Things & Good People

I've never truly been able to answer the question, "Why do bad things happen to good people?" All around me there is tragedy and turmoil. The first thing that comes to mind is, "Why?!"

The hubs showed me the answer.    :)

In John 9:3, Jesus tells his disciples why bad things happen to good people. This passage deals with a man who has been blind since birth. As humans are prone to do, the disciples immediately try to figure out who did something wrong. Why else would this man be unable to see?

But Jesus said, "It was not because of his sins or his parents' sins...this happened so the power of God could be seen in him." 

With that in mind, I'm accepting all the things that come my way with grace and dignity. I'll use negative circumstances and unpleasant encounters for the glory of God.

The Lord has done this, and it is marvelous in our eyes.
-Psalm 118:23

Friday, March 11, 2011

Photo Friday 2011- Week 10

This week's theme: Underneath

When I first read the theme for this week, I was stumped. Fortunately, the hubs chose this week to start a new project. We are creating our first garden!

 So God expelled them from the Garden of Eden and sent them to work the ground, the same dirt out of which they'd been made.
-Genesis 3:23

Check out Trina & friends for more photo submissions!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

What Would It Take?

There are days that I want to run away. I want to jump in my car and get away from everything. 

Some days I think, "I want to pack my bags and leave this place." But would I really be so quick to leave? What would it take for me to leave the only place I've ever really known? 

"Home is not where you live, but where they understand you." 
-Christian Morganstern

Where I am now, I often feel that I don't quite fit in. I don't go out drinking every weekend. Instead, I spend my Sundays at church. I'm married, quite happily, but I don't feel the need to have children yet. I still haven't found a job; I'm biding my time. I'm stuck in an awkward in-between stage. 

Maybe it's just me, but it doesn't seem like there are a lot of happily married couples who go to church, don't have children, and don't feel the need to spend their evenings wasted. Sometimes it would be nice to just have a group of friends who understand my circumstances, my life, me. 

When I think of how little I have in common with those around me, it's easy to become discouraged. It's easy to feel sorry for myself. It's easy to give in.

I want to be surrounded by people, by opportunities, by life.

And sometimes, I think, "It wouldn't take much."

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

My Sweet Sacrifice (A Story of Lent)

Today is Mardi Gras...Fat Tuesday! I'm going out tonight to celebrate. 

But not that way!   ;)

For those of you who don't know, tomorrow is Ash Wednesday. Ash Wednesday is the beginning of Lent, which is a time of sacrifice in many Christian traditions. "Fat Tuesday" is the last day before many people give up something they love to represent the sacrifice made by Jesus. The name of the day refers to the practice of gorging oneself before being deprived for 40 days. 

I've never given much thought to Lent before, as it's not something my denomination focuses on. This year, however, I'm making my own sacrifice. I'll spend more time in prayer, more time focusing on things that truly matter, more time resisting temptation. 

I'm giving up chocolate. I cringe just typing the words. Spring is the time for my favorite Easter candy.

Goodbye, my chocolatey friends! I'll see you in 40 days!

Even if you don't observe Lent, spend some time in prayer and meditation this spring!

Monday, March 7, 2011

It's official.

I woke up this morning to get ready for another day of subbing at a local middle school. Ready to face the day ahead, I got out of my car, walked through the wind, and opened the door to the school. I stepped into the building when I heard a noise. Something was squeaking. I looked down to find the offending noise. 

The noise was coming from my shoes. 

That's right...the noise was the unmistakable sound of rubber on a flat surface.

That's when I realized I'm officially a teacher.

No more shoes that make me taller than my students. I'll have to adjust to being short.

No more shoes that make me feel sophisticated. It's time to focus on comfort.


Goodbye, pretty, pretty shoes.

I'll miss you, old friends; but I'm a teacher now. 

Friday, March 4, 2011

Photo Friday 2011- Week 9

This weeks theme: vegetables

The hubs' grandparents have a huge garden every year. We are always blessed with some of its supply. In fact, I've got some green beans and tomatoes that are begging to be eaten.

Visit Trina to see more yummy veggies!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Spring Schemes

I've been productive so far this year, and I'm not ready for it to stop! In true "Danielle" fashion, I've made a list of a few things I want to accomplish this spring!

10. Spring cleaning: the inside of my house needs a good scrub. Maybe I'll even wear pearls.

9. Finish my first semester of graduate school with a 4.0.

8. Read at least 3 books over spring break.

7. Organize my home office/craft room.

6. Clean out the garage. (Ugh.)

5. Learn more about blog/website design, and hopefully design my first layout.

4. Spend one evening in downtown Fort Smith...I want to look at the town like a tourist.

3. Start a garden...vegetables, flowers...who knows?!

2. Learn more about/practice photography.

1. Visit Wye Mountain.

What are your plans for this spring? Don't let the season pass by without doing something to get out and see this beautiful world...even if it's taking a new view of your own neighborhood!

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