Friday, March 18, 2011

Photo Friday 2011- Week 11

This week's theme: Spring

For Valentine's Day this year, the hubs bought me an orchid. Orchids are my favorite flower! It's done very well, which is surprising since I usually kill any plants I come in contact with. Since the beginning of spring, though, the flower has truly thrived. It's beautiful!

With the warmer weather, I've been able to spend more time outside, and it's incredible. This week, I took a book outside and sat under a tree for awhile.

I love me some springtime!

For more spring-y photos, visit Trina!


Trina said...

I love it too! Great photos. I love orchids.

Nonna said...

Beautiful photos ! Orchids seem delicate but when treated with care and love, they do very well !

Bekki said...

Orchids are my one of my favorites....Gorgeous!~!

Casey said...

Beautiful! Such simple flowers, but they scream spring! Thanks for stopping by my blog! Consider me your newest follower :)

Tonja said...

Beautiful! I wish we had more flowers around here.

Unknown said...

Thanks so much for stopping by, ladies!

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