Friday, March 25, 2011

Photo Friday 2011- Week 12

We're already 12 weeks into 2011?! Are you kidding me?! This year is flying by!

This week's theme: Planning

I am a planner. I love to make lists; I love to know what I'll be doing two days from now. Instead of showing my meal planning for the week, I decided to show my planner. It's such a big part of my life. Sometimes I think I wouldn't know to take a shower if I lost my planner (okay,'s not quite that serious).

My planner is ALWAYS with's small enough to carry in any purse! I write down everything in my planner. From there, the lists go into my computer. Thanks to the goodness that is MobileMe, my computer is automatically synced to my other Apple products. So I'm never without a calendar or schedule. That makes me very happy.

Even with all of the super fun tech stuff, I prefer to write down all the things I need to do and all the places I need to go. I guess I'm an old-fashioned girl. 


Trina said...

My boss is a lot like that too. She has a pocket planner and on online one lol I've never been that into planning on paper, I do it mostly in my head lol

Bekki said...

I too love paper planning- I do so much better that way- I mess up if I don't!!

Nonna said...

Great photo ! I am more likely to do something if I write it down...a concrete commitment and a way to look back at all I do every week !

Tonja said...

I love paper planning as well. But I use all kinds of planning. But I can't use pen, things change too much for me :)

Patrice said...

I'm a list maker too!

Anonymous said...

Your handwriting in your planner is beautiful!! I must admit that I seldom write down what I need to do: Keep my schedule completely in my cell phone. However: if there's a day with lots of chores lined up, I will make a list... It is fun to mark each one off as I do it.

Anonymous said...

I was always a paper planner until the past couple of years when I switched to a smart phone. It just became easier for me. I do love your planner though. Such a nice clean design.And what beautiful handwriting you have!

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