Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Wedding Wednesday

Laura over at Decor to Adore posts each Wednesday about the upcoming royal wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton. As a lover of history, England, and all things royal, it's one of my favorite new weekly reads. 

This week, she's sharing the history of royal wedding dresses. I may not officially be royalty, but I'm going to share my dress, too!

I think I skipped the something old...
Something new- my princess-y tiara
Something borrowed- The pearls are my mom's.
Something blue- I bought new underwear that said "Just Married."    ;)

 Thanks for indulging my wedding reminiscing! Check out Decor to Adore for more wedding goodness!

1 comment:

Decor To Adore said...

What a gorgeous dress! Dreamy location.

Your pearls were probably old and borrowed. :)

Thank you for sharing.

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