Friday, March 4, 2011

Photo Friday 2011- Week 9

This weeks theme: vegetables

The hubs' grandparents have a huge garden every year. We are always blessed with some of its supply. In fact, I've got some green beans and tomatoes that are begging to be eaten.

Visit Trina to see more yummy veggies!


Trina said...

I love grandmothers that have gardens! Mine used to have a big one, but now that my pawpaw is gone it's too much for her to do alone :(

Nonna said...

Wonderful photo...I did a recent post on canning. You are blessed to have a share of the grandparents bounty !!!

Tonja said...

My husbands MiMi has a garden every year and she makes the best pickles! And that tomato sauce looks yummy!

Anonymous said...

Fun! I wish someone would can some jam and share with me. =)

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