Thursday, February 17, 2011

Welcome to Miami

May 6, 2007- First full day of my honeymoon. The hubs and I woke up at 4:00 AM ( really does exist) to catch our flight to Miami International Airport. Tired and drained, we landed in Miami at 10:00. After a terrifying taxi ride, we arrived at our hotel only to find that there was NO POSSIBLE WAY to check in before 4:00. The concierge offered to hold our bags for us, but we were left on our own until we could officially check in. The new husband and I spent the next 6 hours exploring the area around the hotel. We found a shady Walgreens to shop in (and by "shady," I mean unmarked-van-shady) and a McDonald's for lunch. Shortly before check-in, we went back to the hotel to check out the beachfront property. We walked past the large hotel pools, over a sand dune, and the torture of that morning was ALL worth it.

Fast forward to Day 2- We spend some time at the beach, do a little shopping and decide to go back to our room for the night. Between going through a wedding, driving, flying, and wasting time, we were TIRED. The hubs convinced me to stay in, watch a movie, and order pizza. We checked Pay-Per-View and called Pizza Hut. The wind was howling outside on the balcony, and rain started coming down in torrents. Our decision to stay in couldn't have come at a better time. The decision to order from Pizza Hut, however...not so good. Because of the sudden storm, they were swamped with customers. 2 hours later, our pizza still had not been delivered. Ever the patient person, the hubs called to ask them when it would be at the hotel. They hadn't even cooked it. Dinner that night ended up coming from the Walgreens across the street. 

Day 3- My foot got caught on a rope that was on the beach. It pulled me under as the wave came up, and I started getting sucked farther and farther into the ocean. The hubs pulled me out of the current while a man combing the beach with his metal detector looked on. I came up sputtering and crying and realized that my swimsuit top came down. The girls were out for the world to see. 

Despite all of these things, the vacation in Miami is one of my all-time favorites. It was the first place I traveled with my husband. All of those setbacks were overshadowed by the beauty of the city and the sea.

Sunshine, sand, and the salty air. 

For more vacation stories and other fabulous writing prompts, visit Mama Kat


Anonymous said...

It looks like it was a beautiful spot!

Anonymous said...

Just was there and left with a few stories along the line of yours :) Left my pride there...but also had the time of my life!

Anonymous said...

I've never been to Miami. Your photos are beautiful!

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