Thursday, February 24, 2011

Lesson Learned.

Sometimes life isn't fair. Sometimes life brings unexpected curveballs. Sometimes life does not go by your schedule. But sometimes...all of those things are worth it.

I realize lately how very blessed I am. Thinking back on my past, it's a miracle I've survived. I've been through a lot of things in the past 10 years, but I've learned many worthwhile lessons.

These are the top 10 lessons I've learned since 2001:

10. Procrastination causes more problems than I ever imagined. ("Case study due tomorrow? I'll proofread, polish, and print it in the morning." NOT.)

9. Complaining solves nothing. It annoys those around you and wastes valuable time.

8. You feel and do "well." Everything else is "good." Example: I do not feel well. He plays the saxophone well. The sunshine feels good. Banana pudding tastes good. Get it?

7. It's okay to be angry. However, anger does not give you the right to be callous.

6. Sing. Even if you do it poorly, it will make you happy.

5. Motivation is rare. Take it when it comes!

4. Life is best when it's lived simply. Don't worry about the things you don't have. Focus on your blessings. You don't need as much money, as much stuff, as you think.

3. Friends will come and go, and that's okay. Everyone is put in your life for a reason. Make it a good one.

2. Put down the phone! It's okay to pay attention to the people around you. In fact, it's rude if you don't.

1. Stop trying. There is no "try," right? You either do or you don't.

For more life lessons, check out the weekly writing prompts over at Mama Kat's.


Heather Hart said...

These are amazing! I love them!!! I would tell you which one is my favorite, but they are too many and I can't decide. :)

Leah said...

Stopping by from Mama Kats! Oh I love all these! Especially the one about singing and putting down the cell phones! I couldn't agree more with you on those two!! : ) Oh and I'm following you now!

Betsy said...

I love this post. I want to print it out and hand it to people!

Jessica said...

What a great list of lessons learned. Number 10 is my big one, I do not like to procrastinate. I am always ahead on my homework and things I have to do but I have realized that many people like to put things off until the last minute. It drives me crazy.


Anonymous said...

They are all so true! I especially need to remember number 1.

Unknown said...

Thanks for visiting, ladies! I certainly need to remember these things more often than I do!

Lyryn said...

LOVE this post! LOVE! Amen to the phone comment. I agree!!

Jennifer said...

Great post!!! I love the phone comment, and as a former English teacher, I appreciate your knowing the difference between 'good' and 'well.' :) I definitely need to take to heart most of the points on your list.

Anonymous said...

Love this post! I love singing...although I'm POSITIVE you don't want to hear it. Hehe

Anonymous said...

Just thought I would stop by! I love all of your points!!! I'm a horrible procrastinator and when I was in college I ALWAYS said I can finish this or that in the morning... That so never happened!

Also, I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your phone point! I hate it when I'm talking to someone and they seem much more interested in their phone!

Thanks for the insight! Definitely gave me something to think about :)

Anonymous said...

Beautiful post!! There is no or do not. Exactly right! *from Mama Kat'*

tara said...

what an awesome list of lessons learned! #4 is my fave!

Ronnica said...

So true about complaining! Yet it's so easy to fall back into...

Stef said...

Why is it that singing can do that for us. Even if we aren't good. There is just something about sining out loud. Huh.

Anonymous said...

Great post- totally love all the lessons!

Kimberly said...

Amen on the phone thing. It's one thing to answer if your kids are away from you and it might be important, but to text constantly during our visit. Sad.

Teresa said...

All so true...especially the Lesson on Procrastination.

Anonymous said...

What a great list! Thanks for sharing.

Lindsey V said...

This is a great list...I have learned a few of these along the way the complaining and phone usage...just to name a couple.

Thanks for stopping by my blog last week...took me a little longer to get over here, but I like what you have done with the place, as they say! ;)

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