Thursday, February 10, 2011

Photo Friday 2011- Week 6

Theme: Body Parts

This picture isn't the best was actually taken last summer, with a disposable camera. I did a little editing on Picasa to make it better. This picture, terrible quality and all, is a reminder of how much we love the beach and the ocean. I chose to use a picture of mine and the hubs' hands because we are here to do Christ's work. We need to be his hands and feet. 

Stop by Trina's blog to see more Photo Friday fun!

Disclaimer: I don't like feet. No feet pictures on this site! :)


Nonna said...

Love that and the symbolism of service...Being Christ's hands and feet here on earth !

Trina said...

Awesome pic! And I agree with Nonna :)

Did you change your header? I don't remember it looking like that. It's nice either way! :)

Unknown said...

Thanks ladies!

Trina, I did change the design! It needed a little sprucing up for spring!

Anonymous said...

What a coincidence! I just wrote a post & talk about being His eyes & ears on the ground. Guess we're on the same wavelength.

(About the picture - I can't believe what you can do with a disposable camera. I can't do that with a super duper good digital camera I got for Christmas!)

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