Thursday, January 13, 2011

He Surprises Me

This guy makes me smile. He's super sweet and considerate. Sometimes...he's surprises me. Without letting me in on it, he bought be a complete set of the Harry Potter books...HARDCOVER! (I know, I know...I'm nerdy!)

At that moment, my heart melted, and I turned into a big pile of mush. I always joke about the hubs being predictable, but sometimes he surprises me.


Heather Hart said...

Aw! How sweet!
Stopping by to visit you from MamaKat's

Molly W. (@mommylovespark) said...

holy hell I'm jealous! lol *fellow nerd (points at self)

Crazy Me said...

I would LOVE to have all of those! That is a really sweet thing for him to do. I love out of the blue suprises like that.

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