Tuesday, November 23, 2010

10 Things to be Thankful For

1. In my classes of 7th graders, there is always so much going on. These kids deal with more at that age that I ever dreamed of. I don't miss the drama.  I AM THANKFUL FOR GROWING UP.

2. My cat sheds and my dog throws up sometimes. I AM THANKFUL FOR MY PETS AND THE WAY THEY TEACH ME TO LOVE UNCONDITIONALLY.  

3.  My clothes are a little too tight. I AM THANKFUL THAT I HAVE ENOUGH TO EAT.

4. I like to hit the snooze button on my alarm because I am not a morning person. I AM THANKFUL TO BE ALIVE ANOTHER DAY. 

5. Sitting in class today, people are talking and being generally annoying. I AM THANKFUL THAT I HAVE THE ABILITY TO HEAR. 

6. I get restless just like everyone else. I often want to get away, to go somewhere a little more exciting. What I often ignore is the higher cost of living  and an increased crime rate in these "exciting" cities. I AM THANKFUL FOR MY LITTLE TOWN.

7. My plans don't always work out the way I would like. I AM THANKFUL FOR SECOND CHANCES. 

8. I have been reading until my eyelids absolutely cannot stay open any longer. The final semester is winding down. And I'm rushing, cramming in as much information as humanly possible. I AM THANKFUL THAT I HAVE THE ABILITY TO READ.

9. All last week my husband drove me back and forth to school because his truck was in the shop. I got a little grumpy because that took up what used to be my "quiet time." The hubs never complained. I AM THANKFUL TO HAVE A HUSBAND WHO WILL DO ANYTHING FOR ME.

10. Grudges come naturally to me. It's incredibly easy to be mad at someone who has treated you badly. If I choose not to forgive, Christ cannot forgive me. I AM THANKFUL FOR FORGIVENESS.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Forget What You Believe

Normally, I don't get political or controversial here. Today, however, I am really feeling pressed to share something a little different. 

First of all, I am not conservative in my political beliefs; neither am I liberal. Some of my views fall  into the conservative category at times, but I also possess views that would be considered liberal. With that being said, one of my biggest complaints is that people who claim to be spiritual or religious often choose one side or another and follow the guidelines blindly. Politics are a necessary evil, but they should not dictate the way we live. I do not believe that homosexuality is natural. I do not believe that abortion is an appropriate alternative. I do not believe that the death penalty is a suitable punishment...for anyone. Agree or disagree with me as you please. It doesn't matter because it won't affect how I live. 

For a moment, forget what you believe. Underneath our ideals and pretenses, we are all the same. No matter what we believe, we all have the same basic needs: food, shelter, and belonging. 

We all want to be loved. 

Whatever you believe, live a life of love. Care enough about the future of the world to love everyone, regardless of differences. 

"If you judge people, you have no time to love them." 

 Mother Teresa

Monday, November 15, 2010

What Dreams May Come...

In my newly redecorated bedroom!      :)

The hubs and I have been working hard lately! We are redecorating our house. We moved in three years ago, but nothing was really our style. That's all changing now! 

Before, our walls were baby blue with dark hickory furniture. We repainted the walls in Secret Passage (which is gray but turned out blue in the picture), replaced the dark wood furniture with a bright white,  and took out our nightstands. Because our house is  on the small side, we're trying to save as much space as possible. Rather than having the typical 2-drawer nightstands, we're opting for some small, simple side tables. 

The transformation is by no means complete, but it's well on its way!

Don't Worry Baby

This week my goal is to worry less about the things I can't control. I'm a worrier, plain and simple. When things take a turn for the worse, I worry. When everything is going just as planned, I worry.
I had dinner with one of my best friends last week. We spent some time talking about some of the things we worry about. Is it necessary? Absolutely not. More than half of the things we worry about will never happen. I like to think that I'm being responsible and making sure I'm prepared for any mishap that does fall my way. Truthfully, I'm just telling God that I've got things handled on my own, and I don't need His help. 

Oops. That wasn't the message I wanted to send. 

According to Craig Groeschel, "Worry is the result of trying to carry a burden that never belonged on our shoulders. If we...make this attempt, we're admitting we don't actually trust God. In our minds, our God is too small, and we must come to our own rescue." That does not mean that it's acceptable for me to sit on my sofa day after day to wait for God to answer my prayers. It is my responsibility to do all I am capable of doing; then I have to trust God to take care of the rest.

 I cannot control the economy; sorry, that one is just out of my reach. Instead of worrying, I need to make sure that my finances are handled responsibly, and God will take care of the rest.

I cannot control when the next tornado will occur. What I can control is how prepared my family and my home are, in case of such a storm.

I cannot control whether or not I get a job next semester. I also cannot waste valuable, precious time worrying about it. I'll prepare my resumes and job packets, but everything else is in God's hands.

"Get on your knees and pray, then get on your feet and work." 

 Gordon B. Hinckley

And then...you give the rest to God. 

He can handle it.           :)

Friday, November 12, 2010

Mountains and Molehills

What a crazy week.

Even when I'm at my worst, God uses my faults to guide me and teach me.

I spent all day Wednesday pouting. Why, you ask? After all of my hard work, I will not graduate with an honors diploma. GASP!
I wanted an honors diploma, not only for the recognition, but also to prove to myself that I can overcome my past and my mistakes. It just wasn't meant to be. Mountain or molehill?

On Wednesday night, my mom became sick, and we had to rush her to the emergency room. That, my friends, is the real mountain.

Missing out on an honors diploma is still a big thing to me, but in reality, it's only a molehill. Through God's grace, my mom is home, and she will be fine. Through God's grace, I've gained some perspective. How often do I make a huge fuss over a minor issue? Too often. How often do I gloss over a major issue? Too often. God used a potentially horrible situation to show me how selfish I can truly be.

This week, I'm praying for guidance to know the difference between a mountain and a molehill.

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