Hard-working. Strong. Dignified.
What other words describe the woman revered in Proverbs 31? Intelligent...Responsible...Sensible. At first, I was completely overwhelmed when reading this exaltation of a simple woman who seemed to have it all together. Finally, I began to understand...this is an idealized woman. She is our GOAL. We may not ever attain ALL of these amazing features, but we should keep trying.
If we could adopt a few more of these qualities, the world would be a better place.
Instead of getting so caught up in the things around me, I've set a new goal for myself. It's time to forget the trappings of the world. I want to live a simple life; that means I have to be a simple wife.
The Proverbs woman makes a habit of rising before the sun comes up.
31:15- She's up before dawn preparing breakfast for her family and organizing her day.
31:17- First thing in the morning, she dresses for work, rolls up her sleeves, eager to get started.
For those of you who know me, this will not be an easy task! I love my sleep, and I love my bed! This does NOT mean I'll be setting my alarm for 4:30 every day. However, it does mean that I will stop wasting my mornings in idleness. That sacrificed time could easily be spent in prayer or even throwing a load of laundry in the wash.The Proverbs woman also watches over her household.
31:19- She's skilled in the crafts of home and hearth, diligent in homemaking.
31:27- She keeps an eye on everyone in her household, and keeps them all busy and productive.
Wow. That in itself is a lot to live up to! To me, this means that I need to focus on making my home warm and inviting, for my family and friends. My home and family should be organized and efficient. While teachers do not exactly have summers "off," I am blessed with a nice break. This is a great opportunity for me to put this task into practice!
Above all, the Proverbs woman has an alluring attitude.
31:25-26- Her clothes are well-made and elegant, and she always faces tomorrow with a smile. When she speaks, she has something worthwhile to say, and she always says it kindly.
Her attitude is what makes her beautiful! She is able to face the future with serenity because she knows who is in control. She speaks carefully, and her words are full of love. I, for one, need worry less and love more.
I'm on a mission...I'm going to live simply and meaningfully! I'll be back soon with a list of how to accomplish my Proverbs 31 goals!

May · 712 weeks ago
misty · 712 weeks ago
This week I began TRYING to wake up at 5:30. Right now it's simply for the practice... But come school time, it will be so that my kids and husband get a lovingly cooked meal to start their day, and so that i have time to do all of those things I need to. This blog outlined it all for me PERFECTLY... the reasons i didn't even know I had- but God did....
And getting up that early (which I'm succeeding at 50% of the time) has not been easy. hardest is getting to bed... I am eager to read more about this and your journey!
Barbara · 712 weeks ago
Arnebya · 712 weeks ago
Creative2xmom · 712 weeks ago