Monday was a wonderfully restful holiday, though. Then Tuesday came. :)
Since Tuesday, I've been babysitting four (that's right...FOUR) children, two of which are my niece and nephew. They are all so much fun, but I'm worn out by the end of the day! In addition to taking the dog to be groomed, we spent yesterday playing games on the Wii and making cookies and cupcakes.
Today I made a few enemies...I only gave the kids one hour of video game time. *sigh* Does anyone else remember when one hour of games was amazing? Anyway, my niece played Rock Band this morning, and she was INCREDIBLE!
So they only played outside for a few minutes, and then we played board games and watched movies. Let me tell you, these kids get restless without the video games! It's hard to be outside when it's soooooo hot, though. Any suggestions for indoor activities?
He's so handsome!
Tomorrow I will only have two kids at my house, so it should be a little calmer here without them arguing over which game to play or who's going to hold the dog or who gets to sit on the stability ball. :) Just for the record, I wouldn't trade being with all of them for ANYTHING in the world. My nephew has another baseball game GO BRAVES!