Sunday, October 17, 2010

A Welcome Vacation

This weekend the hubs and I went a a mini-vacation. It was short but sweet, fun but relaxing. We left home Friday evening and drove about 3 hours to Hot Springs. We stayed at our first bed and breakfast, and we were not disappointed. It was fabulous!

We had breakfast delivered to our room.

We loved exploring the old home!

The best part of the weekend? We were able to relax and do a little exploring. It was well worth it just to have a little time to unwind and be lazy. The drive back was even more magical...the autumn trees are gorgeous! It's amazing that we have all this beauty surrounding us and we often don't even notice!

Thank you, God, for the many blessings you've given!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Weekend Wrap-up (or Why I Love My Life)

Just for the record...


This weekend was wonderful. Last week
was a little stressful, so the hubs and I went to eat on Friday night and came home to relax. Because he's awesome, the hubs watched a Harry
Potter movie with me. He must really love me. :) We also planned our Halloween costumes (I'm so excited!). While we were out, we went to a thrift store. This store was really just a glorified garage sale, but we have fun wherever we go! We did manage to find a video camera the hubs would like to buy.

Flashy, no?

We spent Saturday morning working at church. It really made me realize what wonderful people we go to church with. For many people, a church family can be more loving and more supportive than a biological family. We have been truly b
lessed. I am especially amazed by the teens in our youth group. They face major issues every day, but they manage to make time for God and church. They make me proud!

Saturday afternoon, I talked hubs into driving an hour away for an apple festival. I've heard great things about t
his festival every year, so I was very excited to go.

It was a beautiful day, 70 degrees and sunny. We drove with the windows down and the sun shining through the windows. I was dismayed when we arrived at the apple festival and there was no apple cider. Sadly the only things apple related that we saw were apple butter and caramel apples. Call me crazy, but I had hoped that an "apple festival" would consist of a little more, well, APPLES.

We were both a little let down, but it didn't matter in the end. I had a great time just being with him. With the hubs just getting a new job and me working on my internship, our time together is usually spent working on one project or another. But it was great to spend the weekend together and to be reminded that it doesn't matter where we go as long as we're together!

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